Tuesday, 27 November 2012

How to Unhide Permanent Hidden Files/Folders

Different types of Viruses can hide your files and folders permanently.These viruses usually come in systems via USB or Internet and they make ur files/folders hidden even if they are removed through antivirus scan.

Dont Worry! Your Data is just hidden....Dont think that u lost all your data.... 

They cannot be unhided simply by 'Right Clicking' the file/folder and unmark the hidden option 

So for that there is an Easy and Short way

Go to Your Start Menu

For Windows Xp : Go To 'RUN' And Open "cmd"

For Windows 7 : Type "cmd" in the search bar

Go the the specific Folder where the file is and type

To Unhide:

attrib  -s  -h  -r  folder name / file name

To Hide :

attrib  +s  +h  +r  folder name / file name

Suppose your Folder is in C:\

And the name of folder is "New Folder"

attrib  -s  -h  -r  "New Folder"

And press 'Enter'

For Your Information

S refers to System

H refers to Hidden

R refers to Read-Only



  1. o datz great ........ ur blog helped me alot :-)

  2. the hidden folder is at desktop.how will I specify the path?

  3. the hidden folder is at desktop.how will I specify the path?

  4. i have a hardisk how can i unhide the things ? how to specify the path for it ??

  5. Thanks ..it really helped...but before using this command we have to type "cd\" after that u can go for attrib...
